Riding Roads of Sunshine

Piano by Bronwen Murray-Berg



Riding roads of sunshine

On the wings of song,

Lands below the skyline

Lure our hearts along,

Herald golden-hearted

Trumpet loud and gay,

Shouting: "We have started,

Going home today!"

Say, "Goodbye Mount Hermon"

Woods, and hills "Goodbye."

School days are behind us,

On our way we fly.

Say, "Goodbye Darjeeling,"

Wintered cold and grey,

Round the bend we leave it

Going home today!

See the winding roadway

On to Kurseong,

Purple is the sunset

As we roll along.

See the plains before us

Dark and far away;

Calling us to hasten,

Going home today!

Now we're riding homeward

Through Terai at night

On a silver highway,

Singing our delight.

Now the plains before us,

Now we swing and sway.

Into Siliguri,

Going home today!